Employ These Simple Ways And Better Your Stockpile Measurement Methods


It is not rocket science to know how big a deal the accuracy of stockpile measurement is to a company’s essence. Along with that, comes the understanding that the error rate is directly proportional with the company’s balance sheet at the year’s end. This automatically directs one to look closely into minimizing the errors while working on their establishment’s stockpile measurement techniques.

Below are a few ways to get more accurate readings:::


  • Employ Better Equipment

    The hardware that you use is a big factor in deciding the quality of initial and final results of stockpile measurement. It’s suggested, you use the latest, high-sensitive equipment available in the market for the purpose of stockpile measurements. Regular upgradation of equipment is key in keeping up with technology that benefits your measurement techniques and, in turn, accuracy.

    Using Stockpile Volume and its services is a wise way to go and have someone do your stockpile measurement keeping the above in mind and ensure superlative accuracy.


  • Check for Proper Lighting on Indoor Piles

    Many companies understandably do not consider this an important factor for final result accuracy. However, it must be elaborated that the better the lighting indoors ensures that the camera captures a finer and clear initial picture of the stockpile in question. This in turn provides a more comprehensible picture for analysis which improves to a large extent, the image processing and interpretation enhancing the overall stockpile measurements procedure. In this case, a minor alteration goes a long way.


  • Reduce The Presence of Unwanted Elements and Vegetation around Piles

    One aspect to take care of, while capturing the image of the stockpile in question for greatest accuracy is to scan and cut down any vegetation, tarpaulin, and other undesirable elements on and around it. The presence of these objects and entities can obstruct the overall clear view which in turn can feed futile data for image processing for stockpile measurement.


  • Move Piles Away from Each Other

    Another way to aid in maintaining the standards of accuracy while measuring stockpiles is to make sure the piles in question are tangibly away from each other by an estimated 7-10 feet. This will benefit the process of characterization by the cameras. Storing piles close to each other makes the whole task of delineating them cumbersome. In case the piles have been stored indoors; its best to make sure the walls enclosing them are straight rather than leaning ones.


  • Account for moisture and  bulk density

    This aspect comes in effect with piles having material that absorbs water. This will impact the unit weights based on season. This in turn affects the recording of stockpiles in books. The unit weight which is easily missed by the naked eye when converted into tones and when recorded becomes more apparent. Here, in Stockpile Volume, we are conscious about these fundamentals errors and work in ways to avoid them. Also, it is advised to update material densities and conversion rates regularly.


If you have any questions or need any assistance, please CONTACT US